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Sunday, May 6, 2012

AK to OK 10 Months

We have been here for 10 months now!!  Ryan and I have been busy.  We have been working around our property and house.  We have a lot of dead trees on our land so Ryan and our neighbor cut down three of them so far.  We have 13 total.  It is sad to see such nice big trees that have to be cut down.  They are dangerous when we have storms and bugs are also a problem.  In fact we had the top of one tree just fall off they other day.  Our four guinea hens are getting big and making lots of noise.  Ryan has trained them to go back into their coop at night time with just the sound of his voice.  It is pretty cool to watch.  We have not let them out into the yard yet.  They are still scared and not fully grown yet.  Our swimming pool is up and going!!  I went swimming for the first time on Cinco de Mayo.  We had our neighbors and a few friends from school over to watch the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball game.  Ryan and I have become fans and have even gone to a couple games!  There is nothing like watching an NBA game up close!  Ryan has been working on his car a bit.  He has begun the process of taking it apart so he can rebuild it.  My school year is just about over!  I have 13 more days.  I have verbally agreed to come back to Wiley Post next year.  I did apply for a few positions our here in Piedmont.  It would be nice to work close to home and not have to drive 25-30 to work.  Ryan has a commute to his office and it would save us gas and money!  I am going home to Alaska for three weeks this summer!!!  I am looking forward to visiting friends and family and enjoying cooler weather during the hot time of the summer here in Oklahoma.